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Wendy Vella

author : Wendy Vella

category : Historical Romance

Wendy Vella is a lover of all things romantic. She started reading her first Georgette Heyer book at a young age and instantly fell in love with the Regency era. Writing is something she has always found time for; she penned her first novel at eighteen though she says it will never make an appearance further than the closet in which it currently resides.After having her two children, Wendy then joined Romance Writers of New Zealand and started honing her chosen craft by entering competitions with some success and attending conferences.

Her Clendon and Readers Choice award-winning historical romance The Reluctant Countess was purchased by Sue Grimshaw of  Random House for publication in their e-book Loveswept line, and went on sale in January 2013.Wendy has an addiction to reading and loves a wide range of genres while her first love will always be historical.
She relishes novels steeped in romance and excitement with feisty heroines and delicious heroes, especially when they are set amongst the treacherous waters of London society.Wendy is a sucker for a happy ending, having secured her own. She has been married to her own dark brooding hero for 28 years and shares her home with two wonderful children, two dogs and anyone else who happens to be visiting at the time. Born and raised in a rural area in the North Island of New Zealand, Wendy loves the beaches and lush green rolling hills of her homeland and is proud to call herself a very patriotic Kiwi!

Wendy Vella Book Series